SitemapOrganisation Steering Committee Members Faculty of Chemistry, Pharmaceutical Sciences, Geography and Geosciences Faculty of Biology Faculty of Physics, Mathematics and Computer Science University Medical Center Max Planck Institute for Polymer research Coworker Equipment SEM FEI Nova NanoSEM Hitachi SU-8000 LEO Gemini 1530 Zeiss DSM962 FEI Phenom TEM FEI Tecnai F30 FEI Tecnai F20 FEI Tecnai G2 Spririt FEI Tecnai 12 JEOL JEM-1400 LEO 912-Omega LEO 906 Sample Preparation Ultra microtomy Ionendünnung (to be translated) Vitrifizierung (to be translated) Weitere Präparationsmethoden (to be translated) Methods (to be translated) Research PD Dr. Ute Kolb Dr. Ingo Lieberwirth Prof. Dr. Axel H.E. Müller Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Tremel Univ.-Prof. Dr. Uwe Wolfrum Prof. Dr. Rudolf Zentel Teaching Events Methods (to be translated) Service FAQ